Organizational Learning

What organizational development challenges is your organization facing?

  • Significant organizational and cultural change
  • Long-range strategic planning
  • Diversity strategic planning
  • Assessment
  • Leadership development
  • Supervisory challenges
  • Workplace conflicts
  • Workforce development

Whatever the challenges, our experienced organizational consultants bring literally decades of experience in higher education to the table. As a result, they know how to work successfully within complex organizational settings and understand the importance of collaboration and collegiality. They understand how to work successfully with a wide range of groups and constituencies and can tailor training to the specific needs of units, departments, divisions, and employee groups.

A key to our success is the ability to build trust and bring people together to achieve the results you seek. We will talk to and work with your employees to provide direct sharing and positive communication. Our communications specialists will help you maximize and optimize your organizational development efforts. Our seminars are highly interactive and research-based. We provide written materials and guides to maximize learning opportunities and reinforce key points. All of our seminars include a blend of instruction and practical group exercises to insure optimal participation.

Our areas of specialization include:

  • Long- and short-range strategic planning
  • Assessment
  • Process mapping and redesign
  • Executive coaching
  • Managerial and supervisory training
  • Diversity change initiatives and training
  • Cultural change
  • Conflict resolution
  • Team effectiveness
  • Performance management and evaluation training
  • Legal compliance training including sexual harassment, affirmative action, FMLA, ADA, FSLA.