Seminars in Leadership Development

Strategic Academic Leadership: Creating a Shared Vision

  • Build capability for creating a shared academic vision through collaborative leadership practices in a global educational context;
  • Evaluate research-based models for strategic academic leadership and cultural change;
  • Discuss best practices in organizational strategy development and execution in complex educational environments;
  • Determine strategies for building synergy among diverse constituencies in the decentralized academic environment;
  • Identify opportunities to leverage leadership strengths and developing cross-boundary teaming in relation to current role and future interests
  • Examine specific issues and dilemmas facing academic leadership through case studies.

Overview of Leadership Practices and Organizational Culture in Higher Education

  • Discuss the application of contemporary leadership theories, models, and practices to the higher education environment;
  • Assess the role of culture within decentralized academic settings based on research findings;
  • Evaluate strategies for cultural change in higher education in terms of barriers and opportunities;
  • Discuss strategies for enhancing departmental climate and surmounting behavioral and organizational barriers;
  • Identify evolving best practices in educational leadership in a post-pandemic world.

Building Diversity Capability and Strategic Diversity Competencies: The Leader’s Role

  • Discuss the relation of key DEI constructs to organizational capability and performance;
  • Identify the impact of strategic global diversity competencies on institutional goals;
  • Discuss prominent definitions of cultural/intercultural competence and ways to advance diversity capability;
  • Identify strategies to build consensus around diversity objectives and overcome internal resistance;
  • Discuss stages in diversity strategic planning and the specific capabilities of an institutional diversity audit;
  • Evaluate emerging DEI practices in higher education and strategies for overcoming diversity resistance
  • Develop concrete strategies for overcoming barriers to inclusion and strengthening DEI capability in academic settings.

Higher Education in the Post-Pandemic World: Changing Priorities and Practices

  • Evaluate the impact of major disruptive forces due to the pandemic on higher education
  • Discuss the effects of remote work, the great resignation, and technology innovation on workforce strategies
  • Identify strategies for mitigating the impact of reduced funding and budgetary constraints
  • Evaluate models for a winning faculty workforce that address contingent faculty practices
  • Identify concrete strategies to enhance faculty diversity and build a diverse talent pipeline

Change Leadership in Higher Education

  • Identify research-based change leadership models in higher education and the applicability of these models to different institutional settings
  • Discuss leading-edge approaches to culture change in higher education
  • Discuss alignment between the institution’s change strategy model and its execution
  • Identify the constituencies, resources, and partnerships necessary to support change processes.
  • Determine timing, scalability, stakeholder analysis, and other key factors in the change process.

The Business of Higher Education: Finance and Budgeting

  • Discuss key operating assumptions and dependencies behind financial data;
  • Analyze the connection between fiscal implications and human capital strategy;
  • Determine complexities related to enrollment projections, tuition revenue, and related factors;
  • Assess the return on investment (ROI) of talent strategies and solutions;
  • Create compelling narratives incorporating financial information to achieve strategic goals.

Leading-Edge Talent Practices in Recruiting, Hiring, and Orienting Faculty and Staff

  • Develop a comprehensive talent strategy from sourcing to hiring to onboarding to ensure job satisfaction and retention
  • Assess the key process-based components of the sourcing, hiring, and interview process to ensure procedural equity
  • Develop a differentiated workforce talent approach based upon roles/responsibilities
  • Evaluate leading-edge strategies for building diverse, qualified applicant pools
  • Determine effectiveness of retention processes

Strategic Talent Management and Talent Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Discuss the benefits of an integrated approach to talent management in relation to educational goals;
  • Evaluate emerging human capital theories, issues, and constructs in relation to talent development and sustainability;
  • Discuss key talent practices in higher education that strengthen career progression and enhance well-being including professional development, mentorship, and work/life strategies;
  • Identify the changing competencies needed for agility in talent practices;
  • Assess key DEI strategies in the talent equation;
  • Discuss emerging technology-based/social media talent practices.

Inclusive Pedagogy

  • Discuss prominent approaches to inclusive classroom pedagogy;
  • Evaluate the impact of diverse learning styles on pedagogical approaches;
  • Discuss ways to enhance student identity development;
  • Identify strategies for addressing classroom challenges to diversity;
  • Enhancing curricular foci and community engagement in relation to diversity and inclusion;
  • Creating opportunities for intergroup learning and dialogue.

Strategic Conflict Resolution and Management

  • Recognize the organizational, structural and behavioral causes of conflict in academic settings;
  • Analyze interests and assess sources/types of power and influence;
  • Develop strategies for working with different constituencies including executives, faculty, staff, and students;
  • Deploy effective communication strategies that defuse difficult situations;
  • Determine strategies for resolution based on civility and collegiality in an academic environment.

Leaders as Entrepreneurial Change Agents

  • Identify opportunities for exercising innovation leadership and entrepreneurialism;
  • Assess drivers of change that make innovation leadership necessary in the current post-pandemic environment;
  • Understand specific challenges presented by academic capitalism in relation to institutional strategy and mission;
  • Determine/assess strategies that foster innovative change in academic settings.